Louis Style Leopard Scarf - BROWN

If you are like me and your budget does not have enough cushion for the Luis Vuitton version of this beauty, may I highly suggest this lovely version. It's gorgeous. It's lightweight, yet still warm, airy, but not flimsy, and it's nice and long, which I absolutely LOVE, because it makes it so versatile. You can wind it around your neck for the warmest chic, or leave it long for a casual pop of glam to a basic outfit. Pair with skinny jeans, white t, and a black cashmere cardigan for the perfect jet set outfit. It's great to pull up over your head to combat the dry cold airplane air. Plus leopard is totally in this season, so you cant go wrong. But I don't see this scarf leaving my arsenal any time soon. Get it you wont be sorry!

Review By. Pearls and Converse

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